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5 Ways To Help the Planet This Earth Month
While you may think those four new shirts last month just cost you your bank balance, the reality is that our fashion habits are actually costing the earth.
Our fashion habits are actually costing the earth.
Figures from the United Nations Nations Environment Programme show that it takes 3, 1781 litres of water to make one pair of jeans. Between the emissions of transporting the materials and getting them onto the shelves at Zara, those jeans have created the equivalent of 33.4 kilograms of carbon emissions.
Now, we don’t mean to make you feel guilty. In reality, only 100 companies are responsible for 71% of global emis sions. But that doesn’t mean we should be mindlessly consuming at the sake of the environment.
The 22nd of April is Earth Day, an annual event to show support to the place us humans call home. Being Earth month, there’s no better time to re-evaluate your fashion habits and help make a difference to mother nature (without sacrificing your killer style).
Here are our top 5 ways to make your style more sustainable this Earth month.
Borrow Fashion
Of course we believe that renting is the future. With 100 billion items of clothing being produced each year, we have more than enough in circulation. By hiring a piece, you can still feel included in a current trend, maybe try something you wouldn’t normally wear, and rent more glamorous items such as a dress for a wedding or birthday party. Did we mention you’ll also save money? Feel fresh, without hurting the planet or your pocket.
Pssst! We can help with that. Shop Here!
Shopping Your Own Wardrobe
Do you ever get that feeling when you go to the wardrobe and find you have “nothing” to wear? Us too. But in reality all it takes is a bit of creativity and searching.
Do you have a drawer full of clothes you put away two years ago but haven’t checked in on lately? Maybe you’ve got a shirt to try out with an older skirt. Whatever it is, by having a styling session from your own wardrobe you can inject life back into the clothes you already have.
Set Rules On Your Shopping Habits
Okay, you’ve shopped your own closet, rented where you can but you still desperately need that new pair of split flared pants. Something that contributes heavily to over consumption (and the exploitation of the environment) is impulse buying fast fashion.
Most companies are trying to get you to purchase at whatever cost though so some ways to avoid getting caught up in the 25% off sale is to pause and ask yourself some questions.
If you can answer all of those questions confidently and still find yourself wanting to purchase then go for it. The main objective is to think mindfully about what we consume. Sometimes even sleeping on the decision overnight makes you realise that maybe you don’t need it after all.
Buy From Sustainable Labels
If you’re in a situation where you need a new t-shirt or work pants and can’t find it second-hand, why not opt for a sustainable fashion brand? We’ve curated our top basic picks here. By researching a company’s standards, you can make an educated choice on the materials you’re investing into. Whether or not they’re made locally, if they need to produce carbon emissions through transport and if the garment workers are being paid a living wage. All of these factors add up to a truly sustainable brand (who aren’t greenwashing).
Clothes Swapping
Do you love a friend’s dress you spotted them wearing on the weekend? Do they obsess over that jumpsuit you’ve owned for years? Rather than buying copies of the same item, why not do a clothes swap? By sharing wardrobes with your close friends you can have the feel of a new piece without the price tag or environmental cost. Maybe throw a clothes swap brunch or party when you’re over all of your clothes to make sure they go on to a good home.
Creating a sustainable wardrobe is all about shifting your habits from over consumption to mindfulness. Hopefully one day sustainable fashion will become the norm and the planet will be able to heal.