The Rental Revolution

Sustainable fashion is on the rise.

According to online fashion platform, Lyst, searches for sustainability-related keywords have increased by 37% since the beginning of 2020. In the past 12 months the term ‘slow fashion’ has also had 90 million social impressions pointing to an ever-changing awareness of the impact that fashion is having on the planet.

And the stats around our consumption habits are not good. A survey by YouGov shows that almost a quarter of Australians have thrown away an item of clothing after only one wear, while four in ten have sent unwanted garments to landfill.

Globally, the fashion industry’s CO2 emissions are expected to rise to nearly 2.8 billion tonnes per year by 2030.

Sustainable fashion doesn’t have to be boring 

These are scary stats and while investing in a capsule wardrobe, buying less and buying ethically are all important ways to reduce your fashion footprint, what happens when you have an important event or want to try on the latest cult dress?

This is where the rental revolution steps in.

Just because you want to partake in the sustainable fashion movement doesn’t mean you have to forgo the fun and frivolity of fashion completely.

Renting means still getting the thrill of opening a new package and that first-try-on-feeling without the environmentally damaging price tag (and guilt) that comes when you buy something new.

Do it for the ‘Gram

Like it or not, we live in a digital world where getting snapped for the ‘gram is a common occurrence. While you can change up an outfit through accessories and layering, sometimes it’s just nice to post a picture of a new garment.

Fashion is a communication tool that tells the world who you are and sometimes that person is wearing the latest ‘it’ bag and a stunning dress. There’s nothing wrong with wanting to feel good and wear a new garment and renting your wardrobe can fill this hole.

Rental revolution

Save the cold, hard cash 

You’ve been invited to a wedding or 30th birthday bash and realised you want a new outfit to play in. While some luxury items can have an unreachable price tag, by engaging in the rental market, you can work that designer jumpsuit you’ve been eyeing off without breaking the bank. Renting items are usually a fraction of the price and you get the experience of wearing the piece without stressing about whether or not you can afford it.

Remember, caring about the environment doesn’t mean you have to be relegated to the same dress for the rest of time. Join the rental revolution. Have fun, try new things and help the planet while you’re at it.



Worn by so many of our muses, the Orseund Iris suit is definitely a must.

Hire me!


Here to make a difference, Maggie Marilyn is a reference when it comes to fashion revolution.

Hire me!

It’s cool to care.

Here to another babe wearing this incredible suit.

Hire me!